Hi Everyone,
Sawyer here. First of all folks, I would just like to say thank you for bringing me into this world, and for teaching my Mommies how to keep me alive. You’d think it’d be instinctual…
I would like to thank Dr. Voss for making a beautiful lower abdominal transverse incision on my Mommy (yes, I listened to everything you were saying during the procedure) and for pushing and pulling in order to bring me out of her and my old, warm, easy nutrition attaining home. I shall miss that home, but this living situation is looking up.
To Dr. Flores who did my circumcision this morning. Oye vey. You might have tricked me into this procedure with oral dextrose and lidocaine, but damn woman…that shit wore off and my penis hurts like the dickens. Nice cut, but…damn.
To Jana who met my Mommies in the conference room for a birthing class on 4/17/16 and continued to look after us during our stay. I like you—come visit! Your positive energy just makes me smile, and the mommy/baby sleeping strategy story will stay between you and me. We also just feel the need to invite you to all of our family holidays…outings…our family pictures…and I plan on buying you a puppy. Male or female?
Cara—I’m sorry my other Mommy yelled at you the first night. She has a tendency of being protective of me and Mommy…and of Lincoln, my four-legged older canine brother whom I will be meeting tomorrow. We’ll see you in the boxing ring? Just kidding—all is good!
To Jaime and Karen. I never experienced your nursing care one-on-one over in postpartum…as you like to call it…but you’re beautiful and so freaking hilarious—let’s hang out!
To Stephanie. OMG. If it wasn’t for your skill, knowledge, leadership and desire to “try something crazy,” with boobies and breast feeding, I COULD HAVE DIED FROM STARVATION. Thank you for telling them what to do so I could get back to my fighting weight/birth weight. When do you come and live with us? Will you be my personal nurse and chef? You’ve got skills woman…
Brenda! You took excellent care of us in the evenings, but for some odd reason last night you felt the need to prick my heel just to give the state splotches of my blood multiple times, and for the Hep B vaccine. Let’s not do that again please. But because of you, I will not die from Hep B…and I now wear a heel cup.
Tammy. Tammy…Tammy…Tammy. I’ve already tracked you down on Facebook and I have started stalking you. May I have your home address? I hear Über is starting to drive babies around without parental supervision and I would LOVE to come over and spend more time with you. See you in two weeks?
To Julie who told my Mommies that they are doing great and are independent. Stop filling their heads with lies!! We know you carried them through the night. Take some credit woman!
To Lorena. We didn’t get to spend much time together, but between you and Mary Beth, that day was a blast—lots of laughs! And to the woman who gave me my first bath. My Mommies’ hair product is Bb Curl Conscious Curl Defining Crème.
To Merilee who went in with us into the the operating room and who kept my Mommies sane—thank you!! Your calm presence was a welcome!
To Maria, I don’t understand why she sometimes didn’t eat her food either, but I agree with you…perhaps that was why her BP was sometimes high?
To Becky, who I had a diaper blow-out on my first night and you were forced to change your shirt. Please send us a bill for your dry cleaning—Grandpa will pay it. You did a marvelous job caring for my mommy after her surgery by doping her up (legally of course), keeping her comfortable with her catheter, and giving her a break with the lower extremity compression cuffs so she could sleep in between my crying fits. (Good God the night is scary!)
Dr. Santucci! I like you. Your positivity and patience puts me at ease, and I look forward to you treating me for the next 18 years…and don’t leave the Tamalpais practice, nor die before I turn 18 because I’m going to come to you for advice on everything….male-related. Between you and my Godfather Jesse, I expect to know all the things these two women do not know…how to pee standing up…what to do with extra socks and tissues…all that jazz.
To Carmen…you are great! I shall miss seeing your smiling face, and to Adel whom I met in the operating room, and who did my measurements—thank you for the extra inches on my length! The NBA is already scouting me.
To Patrick, the Hospital’s Pediatrician who checked me out in the operating room, confirmed I was a boy, and let my Mommy do the vaginal swabbing…ewwwwww. You’re laid back and damn good at your job. If Dr. Santucci leaves the Tamalpais practice or dies before I turn 18 y.o., will you be my pediatrician?
Jordan! You started the first night with us, removed my Mommy’s boxing gloves, and continued to check on us and treat us wonderfully. I’m sorry my other Mommy dropped the soap in the shower and you had to see that. That vision is just hard to forget…am I right? You know…now that I’m thinking of it…let’s refer to my Birth Mommy as BM and to my other Mommy as OM…spread the word.
Lactation nurses! Thank you for your guidance, for slightly confusing my Mothers with a million breast feeding options, but for sticking with us, and encouraging my Mommies to keep going and getting me to latch.
To anyone else I forgot to thank—you rock!! We chose Marin General Hospital instead of the Napa Valley hospitals (we won’t name them…everyone knows who they are) because of your baby and family friendly atmosphere, kick-ass staff, excellent view of Mt. Tam, and because I really wanted to see the construction guys to their thang after I was born. It was interesting watching them tear that building down and seeing guys in hard hats just outside my East 4th Floor window daily…you made me feel like I was the only infant in L & D during my stay.
I shall miss you all, but I plan on visiting…hopefully for a drive-by, drop-in visit…not because I’m being admitted as a patient due to my Mommies fucking something up. Oh, and before I return, someone PLEASE tell the CEO of MGH to get some softer toilet paper and tissues in this place. Feel free to tell him I said so, and that I’m wondering if HE would wipe with this sandpaper hemorrhage causing shit,
Sawyer Henry Stephenson-Sabin
P.S. My name is so fucking long it should be Sawyer Henry Stephenson-Sabin, III (the third). I’m not named after anyone, but it sounds bad-ass, am I right?