Whole Baby @ Whole Foods

The first day we brought Sawyer home from the hospital we took him to Whole Foods. Sure, he and Dana stayed in the car catching some Zzz's while I went in and stocked up on the necessities (shit ton of coffee, beer, pizza, hummus, veggies--you get the idea), but that was his first outing. He's there weekly with one of us doing the grocery shopping, and often I will find him in one of the employee's arms. Today we were given a snicker doodle cookie as a thank you for Ashley getting to hold him. I knew there was a reason why we had a kid!

We often carry him through the store, allowing him to see all of the veggies, fruits, baked goods, and beer that we're choosing to bring home for him...wait...I mean for US, not for him. Who gives a baby veggies and fruit?!?! Not us I tell you. 

By the time we made it to the check-out line I decided to see how much he was costing us these days. Weirdly, the amount we spent on IVF to get him came up on the screen. Hmmmm...

Whole baby @ Whole Foods: organic, free range, 300% price increase...cash only. Comes with two caramel apples on the side. 

Whole baby @ Whole Foods: organic, free range, 300% price increase...cash only. Comes with two caramel apples on the side.