I haven’t had much to say lately. Rather then share my random thoughts and goings-on, I’d like to hear more from those I care about. Weirdly, listening to a friend or family member share their fears, happiness, or whatever helps to quell some of my own. Why? Who knows. Perhaps it’s the empathetic side of me that just needs verbal or written confirmation from you on what I’m already feeling. Then I feel better that I haven’t lost my “touch,” and perhaps my lending an ear can help you feel a bit better as well. Because let’s face it, pandemic life is a bit of a rough go some days, so we should do what we need in order to feel better.
So what is actually going on in my life? So much that until certain dates arrive, I honestly don’t know how I will handle it except to just roll with the blows life throws at me. On January 11th I start my second round of graduate school in the MPH Certificate program at UNMC. (I’m starting with the certificate, and then planning on entering the MPH program after acquiring the certificate.) Yep. I’m one of those weird fucks who jumped at the waived GRE opportunity to return to get more schooling in and increase our debt a bit more. It’s a year before I was actually planning on returning to school, but I just could not pass up the waived GRE bandwagon.
Am I scared? Hell yes. I graduated from graduate school in 2004–FOREVER AGO. And I’m in the online program now, which means I have to learn all of these different programs for classes, assignments, quizzes, etc., and all I can think about is how much I miss pens, paper, and sitting in a classroom. Oh, and on top of all that I still will be working with clients, raising two highly energetic sons with my lovely wife, and hopefully getting a free moment here or there, along with good nights of sleep so my depression doesn’t start to creep back in and push me out of the positive head space I keep working so hard to maintain.
So that’s where I am, with perhaps a few other things that truly don’t need to be mentioned in this blog because I’ve spent enough time on them already to want to lose more.
Cheers to you and your adventures in 2021, especially if you hopped on the waived GRE bandwagon like I did to return to school. I wish you all safety, happiness, and the COVID-19 vaccine.
P.S. If you try to get a hold of me anytime after January 11, and I don’t respond for a bit, now you know why.
Oh to be young again with so few responsibilities.